Connecting people to public transport in Glen Eden

A micro-mobility hub trial in Glen Eden explores the park-and-ride model with a twist. Instead of local people driving their cars to the micro-mobility hub, it encourages users to take part in active travel, such as scooting or biking and then taking public transport to work. Traditional car-based park-and-ride facilities have proven extremely popular, but […]
Voyaging to-and-from Henderson’s Rathgar Road

Our streets can be places for everybody to enjoy. Places we want to spend our time playing, walking, cycling, scooting, and connecting with one another. For our young people, part of the joy of being a kid is having the independence to explore local neighbourhoods and have the freedom to move around without adults, particularly […]
A growing need: Urban Farming in Tāmaki Makaurau requires policy support

Like pumpkins ready for the autumn harvest, community gardens have been popping up across Tāmaki Makaurau for years. Yet, there has been little traction to scale these initiatives to cover more land, putting more fresh and nutritious produce into the bellies of whānau across the region. With funding from Auckland Council’s Regional Environment and Natural […]
Charge into West Auckland thanks to Big Street Bikers’ Locky Docks

No matter where we live, we all need to be able to move about freely in fun and healthy ways – get on a bike to your friend’s place, a sports practice, or a leisurely ride across town. A great city for everyone supports our health and wellbeing and allows us to choose the mode […]
Building a more playful West Auckland

The area surrounding a West Auckland school is set to become a whole lot more playful with some of the community’s smallest residents having an important say in the process. The one-kilometre area surrounding Rosebank Primary is the focus of a comprehensive play assessment and consultation process underway by Sport Waitākere. The aim of the […]
Council receives overwhelming support for Te Whau Pathway

Over 350 submissions received, with 310 in support. That’s the level of response Auckland Council received during the submissions process for the Te Whau Pathway, a project linking the Manukau and Waitematā Harbour with a shared walk and cycleway along the coastline. In partnership with Auckland Council, Healthy Families Waitākere facilitated a community workshop series […]
Healthy Families Waitākere and Henderson-Massey Local Board Working to Improve Active Transport Options

Ongoing conversations and a shared vision between the Strategic Leadership Group at Healthy Families Waitakere and the Henderson-Massey Local Board has led to a commitment to improving active transport options in Rathgar and Lincoln Roads. Earlier this year, Healthy Families Waitakere engaged with the Henderson-Massey Local Board to influence the Lincoln Road upgrade through sharing […]
Te Whau coastal walkway – opening a pathway to a West Auckland taonga

A link between the Manukau and Waitematā harbour is a step closer, with Auckland Council requesting submissions for feedback on the proposed Te Whau pathway in West Auckland. When complete, the shared cycling and pedestrian path will run along 13km of the Whau River, from Green Bay Beach to Te Atatū Peninsula. The project will […]