Indigenous practices underpinning approach to māra kai and wellbeing at West Auckland schools

Teaching tamariki about the origins of their food – from garden to table – is well established in schools, but a new approach underpinned by indigenous practices and mātauranga Māori is having a positive impact across learning and wellbeing in several West Auckland schools. Over the last three years, ākonga at Westbridge Residential, Don Buck and […]
Whau and Waitākere Ranges Local Board acknowledge Mana Motuhake o te Kai in 2023 Local Board Plans

A collaborative tool to indigenise local food systems for the health and wellbeing of West Auckland has been acknowledged and referenced in the Whau and Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plans for 2023. Developed by Hoani Waititi Marae, Community Waitākere and Healthy Families Waitākere, Mana Motuhake o te Kai is a tool to authentically engage with […]
Education Review Office embarks on a collaborative journey with Tāfesilafa’i

An initiative rooted in Pacific culture is helping early childhood education centres support both teachers and children to thrive.
Healthy Families Waitākere welcomes new Rautaki Māori: Metiria Light

The Healthy Families team at Sport Waitākere is delighted to announce the appointment of Metiria Light to the role of Rautaki Māori.
Toi Tangata Hui a Tau returns after a three-year in-person hiatus

In late January, a group representing Sport Waitākere took part in the eagerly anticipated Toi Tangata Hui a Tau.
Paving a new pathway for Māori and Pasifika netball coaches

Hitting the netball courts on a Saturday morning is a tradition shared by many kiwi whānau.
Strengthening the Pacific workforce in the Healthy Families Waitākere team.

Healthy Families Waitākere is reinforcing its commitment to serving the Pacific communities in west Auckland through the strategic appointment of two brilliant individuals.
Addressing the health and wellbeing of the cleaning industry

Over the course of our lives, people spend about a third of their time in the workplace.