Indigenous approach taking centre court for Māori and Pasifika coaches

At both grassroots and national level, poitarawhiti (netball) has a huge following in Aotearoa.  From the traditions of Saturday morning sport to the national premier league, the sport and the associated camaraderie is an important connector in the community for players, coaches and wider audiences.  A project in 2023 prioritised an indigenous approach in poitarawhiti, […]

Mana Motuhake o te Kai Framework

Healthy Families Waitākere has engaged with several organisations and whānau on the issue of food security and discussed how to grow kai sovereignty in West Auckland. Kai sovereignty emphasises placing control of food back into local communities. If you would like to know more about this mahi, please email Mana Motuhake o te Kai […]

Using Mana Motuhake o te Kai to achieve kai sovereignty in West Auckland

Te Wao nui a Tiriwa (West Auckland) has a deep agricultural history that encompasses the cultures of the many people who live here. From the iwi who migrated across their tribal lands in a seasonal cycle, to the growers and farmers of today. There are stories throughout the region that reflect this rich history of […]

Te Pukenga Nui: Active Whakapapa Rangatahi Internship

“Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi – when the old net is cast aside, the new net goes fishing”. This whakatauki (proverb) is often used to describe the passing down of leadership to younger generations, how mātauranga (knowledge) flows through whakapapa (genealogy) and recognises the responsibility of younger generations to hold and share […]

Voyaging to-and-from Henderson’s Rathgar Road

Our streets can be places for everybody to enjoy. Places we want to spend our time playing, walking, cycling, scooting, and connecting with one another. For our young people, part of the joy of being a kid is having the independence to explore local neighbourhoods and have the freedom to move around without adults, particularly […]

Mana Motuhake o te Kai brings a fresh perspective to Healthy Active Learning

For people everywhere, food is the great connector. Being able to share food in a culturally appropriate way plays a significant role in our physical, social, and emotional understanding of the world around us.  When we are able to grow, gather, and prepare kai using mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge), we are reviving cultural frameworks and […]