February 25, 2019

Healthy Families Waitākere Takes up Fizz-Free February Challenge

This February, Healthy Families Waitākere took the Fizz Free Whanau Challenge and pledged to consume no fizzy drinks, juice, energy drinks, or sports drinks for the entire month.

The challenge was an opportunity for the team to demonstrate their commitment to the pro-water mahi they support in Waitākere. Healthy Families Waitākere manager Kerry Allan says making simple changes like swapping out sugary drinks for water for as little as one month can establish healthy habits which can last a lifetime. “In healthier environments, children learn better, workplaces are more productive, people are healthier and happier, and communities thrive. Initiatives like Fizz-Free February play an important role in showing us that making little changes to our daily routine can have a big benefit on our health in the long-term.”The challenge was managed by Hāpai Te Hauora to engage whānau in the healthy lifestyles kaupapa, recognising the importance of whānau support in creating sustainable lifestyle changes. For more information head to www.fizzfree.org.nz