August 10, 2023

Te Pukenga Nui: Active Whakapapa Rangatahi Internship

“Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi – when the old net is cast aside, the new net goes fishing”. This whakatauki (proverb) is often used to describe the passing down of leadership to younger generations, how mātauranga (knowledge) flows through whakapapa (genealogy) and recognises the responsibility of younger generations to hold and share that knowledge. 

Building on this idea with the aim of increasing rangatahi employment opportunities in West Auckland, the Waitākere Ranges Local Board has allocated funding to support the Active Whakapapa kaupapa. This presents an exciting chance to engage rangatahi and offer them the opportunity to learn and deliver the Active Whakapapa hīkoi (walks). Māori Strategic Lead, Mike Tipene explains. 

“We’ve been working with Te Kawerau a Maki to develop a plan that will support the iwi to deliver Active whakapapa in the Waitākere region. This funding has given us the chance to trial this and iron out any bumps, alongside helping usher rangatahi into the workforce.”  

The new venture will launch a paid internship programme called Te Pukenga Nui, specifically designed for rangatahi Māori. The initial phase of the programme will involve codesigning a framework with the rangatahi to outline key skills they want to learn and the support they will need to achieve their goals. 

Field training sessions to build suitable delivery, health and safety, child protection and administration skills will also take place, as well as other training sessions to develop their knowledge of tikanga, the pūrakau and whakapapa of the local area. 

Te Pukenga Nui will be delivered in the coming months and will be guided by the ultimate outcome of Te Kawerau a Maki having mana motuhake of Active Whakapapa.