A collaborative tool to indigenise local food systems for the health and wellbeing of West Auckland has been acknowledged and referenced in the Whau and Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plans for 2023. Developed by Hoani Waititi Marae, Community Waitākere and Healthy Families Waitākere, Mana Motuhake o te Kai is a tool to authentically engage with Māori whānau and hapū in a culturally appropriate way when working in cultivating, gathering, and sharing kai.
Healthy Families Waitākere Manager, Mike Tipene Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa continues.
“If you are dedicated to improving health outcomes of Māori communities, Mana Motuhake o te Kai is an approach that utilises mātauranga Māori to develop food security in a way that enables Māori to exercise their mana and world view.”
The unique strength of Mana Motuhake o te Kai is that by design, it supports organisations and people who might not have a strong understanding of te ao Māori. Whilst enabling people to authentically work towards kai sovereignty, they will be developing their cultural competency and capabilities, for the betterment of everyone in West Auckland.
The approach is grounded by three pou; Tāngata, Taiao and Tikanga. By embracing these pou, people and organisations working in this space can move towards greater hauora (wellbeing) through kai. Under each pou are actions which should be considered when working towards kai sovereignty.
For more information on Mana Motuhake o te Kai, please visit our website.